The Georgia Jewel

Dalton, GA

Our Story...

Our first ultras were run with water bottle waist packs before iPhones existed, and when the only electrolyte drink served at any race fizzed so violently that our Nathan water bottles often exploded in our faces. We were dumb, running was magical, and we've never looked back.
We took over the Jewel in 2016 and have loved watching the community grow. It's been an honor to meet so many people and work with other brilliant race directors to ensure ultra running is well represented in the southeast.
Aside from the Jewel, Franklin is an Integrative Medicine PA who loves research, lifestyle medicine, and potato chips. I (Jenny) work in Private Equity and direct women's and girls' outdoor camps called SheVentures and sheSHEVentures. Luci likes running and reading. Levi likes Legos and Science. As a family, we love most outdoor sports and enjoy adventuring together.
We live in Chattanooga and make hosting this race a family event. Parents help, kids help, friends support, and at the finish line, we hope it feels more like you're sitting in our home than at a finish line.
Our vision for the Jewel is that all runners know the joy, challenge, and friendship trail running offers. We work to accomplish this by hosting an event that inspires greatness, values differences, and humbly serves others.
Trail running isn't yet accessible to all, and as a family and community, we diligently work to make time on the trails a safe experience. By accepting and understanding the diversity of the running community, we work hard to authentically influence the outdoor industry so that every race considers all the journeys runners take to get to the starting line.
It's a privilege to direct the Georgia Jewel, and we don't take for granted the trust each runner extends to us when they step on the trail. We adore all the strong and courageous runners who enter our world through the race and we'd love to meet you at the Jewel!
Franklin, Jenny, Luci, and Levi Baker

* Sweet pics by the amazing Jobie Williams, Lavender Roots Photography and a few iphones.
Our Amazing Partners

The Jewel is only amazing because of our partners and the city of Dalton. Since it’s inception, the Jewel has worked with the Dalton Convention Center, downtown area businesses, the Georgia Pinhoti Trail Association and the Dalton Amateur Radio group to create an event we hope, makes the city proud.
Most people know Dalton as the carpet capital of the world. And while that’s true we’re more impressed that it was because of a woman (ok, Jenny is.) Catherine Evans Whitener began making bedspreads and was so dang good at it her orders far exceeded her production. So she taught and hired help to create what is still Dalton’s staple industry, carpeting textiles.
We love the feel of downtown Dalton and the nostalgia it brings. We’re always so grateful for The Dalton Visitors Bureau who consistently help, lending their equipment, space and support. We think they’re pretty great people.
And the Pinhoti…
The Georgia Pinhoti Trail Association boasts of some of the hardest and most loyal trail lovers we know. You can find them clearing trails, managing trails and communicating when something isn’t right. You’ll seldom see their faces, which makes them quiet heroes in our book.
We’ve never lost a runner because of the gracious support and help from the Dalton Amateur Radio Club. These guys are brilliant. If a zombie apocalypse was ever true, we'd wanna be with these guys. They can communicate through the Georgia mountains and can talk when our modern cell phones are useless. They monitor runners in and out of aid stations and help us keep track of everyone. They’re brilliant at their craft and we’re so thankful for them.
There are so many others to thank. Partners humble us. We depend on their help and they consistently choose to keep investing in us. To be helped and supported like this is truly exceptional. Please join us in giving them some love with your time and resources so they feel appreciated and valued.
